17.02.2024 — 31.12.2024
Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France

This documentary exhibition highlights women artists of the 20th and 21st centuries (Louise Bourgeois, Frida Kahlo, Cindy Sherman, etc.) and those who helped to make them visible (Virginia Woolf, Linda Nochlin, Peggy Guggenheim, etc.) Within a light and colourful structure of seats and screens created by the designer matali crasset and AWARE, visitors can discover a more egalitarian history of world art.
The content is organised around 4 themes, addressing the major issues facing women artists:
- Creating: why, from their apprenticeship to the pinnacle of their careers, do women artists face gender-specific obstacles that influence their creative process?
- Showcasing: how can the work of women artists, which has always been invisible compared to that of their male counterparts, be publicised and included in the art landscape and art history?
- Writing: how can we reintroduce women artists into the narratives of leading art historians?
- Joining forces: as a woman artist, how can you organise yourself collectively to make your voice heard and fight for greater recognition of your work?
An educational and mobile concept
This “arwork-exhibition” became part of the Frac Grand Large collection in 2024. It was designed from the outset to be mobile. The content can be adapted to different contexts. To ensure the project’s mobility, AWARE entrusted the design to matali crasset, who created an original concept of modules that can be dismantled and easily transported. The light, colourful furniture bears the hallmark of the renowned French designer’s world of shapes.
The system will be available on loan to partner associations and structures from September 2024. For further information, please ask at reception.
Be AWARE. A History of Women Artists has received the support of the Ministry for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for the Forum Génération Egalité, the Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V. and the Institut français.
Donation 2024 from the AWARE association: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions in 2024.
17.02.2024 — 31.12.2024